Talent Acquisition Partner

Recordered online course with homework checked by Mike Pritula
10 lessons to complete the course and obtain a diploma
✍︎ Homework check and ⎆diploma after the course
We open 1 lesson per week

How the class is going

View a sample session of this course

Talent Acquisition Partner - is a course for full-service recruiters who understand both recruiting and sourcing and candidate assessment. It's not just a course, it's a hands-on programme where you'll close your actual vacancy and go from A to Z.

Join the course participants' Telegram chat ⇢⇢⇢⇢

Four reasons to enrol now

Don't miss your chance!
Who is this course for
For all recruiters who want to progress in all areas and become real pros in recruitment
What the course will give you
We will go through the whole recruitment process with you from A to Z and close one of your vacancies
It's not just knowledge, it's practice. Practice on real jobs with real candidates, tools and feedback. On the course you close a real job
Difference from other courses
This is the first course where you develop a full package of job application documents and carry out the full set of closing actions

Course programme on full-cycle recruitment

Don't miss your chance!

Recorded class with a feedback on the homework

Recorded class with a feedback on the homework

Class 1. Receiving a recruitment application and analysing it
  • Analysis of requirements
  • Researching information in sources
  • Searching for synonyms
  • Creating a profile of the ideal candidate
  • Market analysis: salaries and number of candidates
  • Creating preliminary profiles
  • Analysing and ranking the profiles found
  • Evaluate the attractiveness of the offer
  • Analysis of groups in the interest section, adding to groups
  • Analyse the recruitment application
  • To describe the profile of an ideal candidate
  • Analyze the market - salaries, number of candidates and prepare a market report
  • Collect 20 profiles
  • Evaluate the attractiveness of the offer
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 2. First communication with the hiring manager
  • Structure of the ideal Job Order - how to put it together
  • Clarification of details
  • Discussing preliminary profiles
  • Developing a search strategy
  • Communicate with the hiring manager
  • Clarify details
  • Draw up a Job order
  • Discuss the profile of the ideal candidate
  • Develop a search strategy
  • Discuss profiles
  • Write a Follow-up letter
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 3. Compiling marketing tools
  • Vacancy text
  • Media kit (videos, photos, links)
  • Text to add to your Linkedin contacts
  • Notification to those who have been added to your contacts
  • Templates 1, 2, 3, 4 email
  • Messenger message template
  • Calendly calendar
  • Prepare the job vacancy text
  • Prepare media kit
  • Compose a Linkedin adding text
  • Compose post-add text
  • Create email templates
  • Compose messenger message template
  • Prepare invitation Calendly
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 4: Compiling selection tools
  • Scorecard
  • Questions for the candidate
  • Selection Stages
  • Test Job
  • Recording the vacancy and Scorecard in ATS
  • Sign up for Breezy
  • Prepare Scorecard
  • Prepare questions for the candidate
  • Agree on selection steps
  • Prepare Test Job
  • Submit vacancy and Scorecard to ATS
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 5. Finding the first 50 candidates
  • Job posting and mailing
  • Search on Linkedin with filters
  • Search with Boolean operators
  • Search with X-ray
  • Search outside Linkedin (all other platforms)
  • Registering candidates on ATS
  • Post and distribute the job vacancy
  • Do a filter search
  • Search with Boolean
  • Make a search using X-ray on Linkedin
  • Make a search with X-ray outside Linkedin
  • Register 50 candidates on Breezy
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 6. Contacting candidates
  • Adding to contacts
  • Message after being added to contacts
  • Message via shared groups
  • Search for candidates' emails
  • Sending email
  • Search candidate phone numbers
  • Sending personal messages in messenger
  • Cross search for candidates on social networks
  • Sending messages on social networks
  • Add all 50 candidates found to your contacts with customised messages
  • Write to those who accepted
  • Find contacts who did not accept in 24 hours - email
  • Write first email to those who did not accept
  • Find all contacts in other social networks where you can send messages
  • To write in messengers to those who did not accept (first in 1 messenger and then if there is no answer - all others with a delay of 24 hours)
  • Write second, third and fourth emails to those who haven't responded so far
  • Call the remaining candidates (optional)
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 7. Conducting a telephone/video interview and selling the job
  • Preparing for the interview and reviewing the profile
  • Documentation of interview results
  • Completing the Scorecard
  • Go|Not Go decision making
  • Assessing Candidate Motivation
  • EVP
  • Conduct phone interviews with 3 candidates, write a report
  • Selling the job
  • SPIN technique
  • FAB technique
  • In the following 3 telephone interviews, apply the job selling techniques and write a report
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 8. Conducting competency-based interviews and testing candidates
  • Interview preparation and profile research
  • Competency based interviewing
  • PARLA technique
  • Filling Scorecard
  • Go|Not Go decision making
  • Organising a test assignment
  • Presentation of Test Assignment
  • Motivating the candidate
  • Reminders
  • Acceptance of test assignment
  • Presentation of test assignment to client
  • Conduct competence interviews with 3 candidates and write a report
  • Organize execution of the test task by 3 candidates
  • Present the results of the test to the client
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 9. Presenting candidates to the hiring manager and conducting interviews with the hiring manager
  • Candidate selling technique
  • Conducting an interview with the hiring manager
  • Preparing the hiring manager
  • Drawing up the interview guide
  • Preparing the candidate
  • Gathering feedback from the candidate and the hiring manager
  • Gathering feedback from the candidate
  • Gathering feedback from hiring manager
  • Write a sales pitch for the candidate
  • Create an interview guide for hiring manager
  • Collect feedback from the candidate and the hiring manager
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework 
Class 10. Checking references on the candidate, Job Offer and candidate's entry to work
  • Checking references from candidates' contacts
  • Search for references
  • Backdoor recommendations
  • Preparation of the final package for the final decision of the client
  • Job Offer Preparation
  • Ideal Job Offer template
  • How to present the Job Offer
  • Preparing the candidate for counter offer
  • Dealing with the candidate after counter offer
  • Firing support
  • Communication
  • Pre-employment preparation
  • Supervising workplace preparation
  • Gather references on the candidate
  • Find contacts for backdoor references
  • Gather backdoor references
  • Prepare final application pack
  • Prepare the Job offer
  • Job offer presentation and description of how it went for the candidate (including preparation for backdoor)
  • Make a checklist for job entry
  • Prepare a letter for the candidate about what to bring with him on his first day of work

Early birds

We have made different packages, choose your own and start your development on the course
Per 1 participant
Two courses together
Per 1 participant
Three courses together
Per 1 participant
IT Megapackage
Per 1 participant
Do you want to be the part of the global HR group?
Join the Telegram chat, where we post all updates and free webinars
Join chat
Which course is right for me?
You have no or minimal experience in recruitment, you need a good base
You want to learn how to source candidates, you are not interested in their assessment
You want to learn how to search for candidates on Linkedin
You want to get a jump start on interviewing candidates
You need to close 10 vacancies a month or more: loaders, drivers, cashiers, shop assistants
You work or want to work in an IT company and you need to understand the specifics
You need to search for and poach top professionals
You need to strengthen how you sell jobs at all stages

Steps in the course for cool recruiters

Webinar recording
You watch the recorded sessions at your own pace and study the material. We open 1 lesson per week
Homework checked by the course author
Each webinar has a practical task that you must do to get a diploma
A case study of the participants
We chat on Telegram and discuss participants' cases remotely

Getting a diploma

Students who successfully complete the course assignments will receive a diploma at the end of the course
Diploma of HR Professional after completing the course
So coveted and valuable
  • Integrates into Linkedin and HH profiles
  • Each diploma has a unique code
  • QR code on the diploma leads to the online version
  • Impossible to forge
  • Issued on a certified Accredible platform (the same place where Rosetta Stone, Google, Udacity, Kaplan University and others issue certificates), look at an example

Who leads?

Course author and facilitator Mike Pritula

  • Founder of Mike Pritula Academy
  • No.1 Opinion Leader in HR for 2019
  • 15 years in HR Wargaming, Preply, iDeals, Starlightmedia, Alfa-Bank
  • Top 10 HR in CIS
  • Since 2010 engaged in online training
  • HRCI representative in CIS
  • PHRi certified
  • Was the first to launch HRCI online certification preparation courses in Russian
  • HR-soft author and startup consultant
  • Over 5000 trained HR professionals
  • Author of HR competency model
  • Author of the most comprehensive HR audit checklist
  • HR person of the year in Ukraine (2018) and Belarus (2017)
  • Over 100 published articles and presentations
  • Over 2 million views on articles
  • Author of a column on Lifehacker.ru
  • Author of the book "Resume for a million"


by Headhunter Ukraine and Belarus

HR leaders by Headhunter

by delo.ua

HRCI CIS representative

What's inside the course about Full Stack Recruiter

Here is what you will get on the course
Intensive course work
In the course you are not a passive listener, but actively participate in chat during the class and between classes, and practice all the knowledge you have learned and receive feedback from the course author
You will receive a large number of proven tools that the author has tested in a wide variety of companies, many of which have been developed personally, as well as examples from top companies
Ready-made solutions
You don't have to develop all the solutions yourself. You will get ready-to-use solutions straight away, on a "take-it-or-leave-it" basis. Your only task is to adapt all the tools you receive to your company
We will have many examples and cases from companies in a wide variety of industries of how they have solved business problems using sourcing tools. You are sure to find many ideas for yourself
Homework assignments
In your homework, you will adapt all the tools and solutions to your business, and the course author will personally check how you did it.
Chat room
All students are added to a dedicated Telegram-chat where they can ask questions and get help, share experiences and find like-minded people and friends.

How a course for cool recruiters going on?

All resources: webinar recordings, presentations, supplementary materials, are stored in your personal account.

For communication and support, all participants communicate in a dedicated Telegram chat room.
Contact us in any way you like: