Recordered online course with homework checked by Mike Pritula 6 lessons to complete the course and obtain a diploma ✍︎ Homework check and ⎆diploma after the course We open 1 lesson per week
Feedback is a crucial element in improving performance and motivating employees. It is even more important than the Performance Review or Bonuses. But you need to know how to give it properly. You will learn how to do this in the course
Four reasons to enrol now
Don't miss your chance!
Who is this course for
For HR people who want to build a feedback culture in the company and for managers who want to learn how to give feedback to employees and increase their effectiveness and motivation
What the course will give you
In the course we will learn an effective model for giving feedback and in 6 homework exercises you will practise this by getting feedback from the course author
Those who know how to give feedback effectively are usually more successful in their career and have better leadership skills
Difference from other courses
This course is built on a modern feedback model that takes into account all the recent changes in management and technological advances
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Course programme on feedback
Don't miss your chance!
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Class 1. What is employee feedback
Why many people avoid it
How we get it everywhere in life, but not from leaders
What is feedback
Why should there be more of it and why do people want it
The role of the manager and the impact on performance
The importance of feedback for generation Z
A tool for giving feedback
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Class 2. What gets in the way of giving feedback and how to deal with it
Lack of support
False beliefs
Excessive stress
Lack of skills
Change beliefs
Reduce stress
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Class 3. How to separate feedback from employee evaluation as part of Performance Review
Why it is not the same
Why feedback is more important than evaluation
Six steps for daily feedback
Preparing a feedback script
Requesting feedback from an employee
Creating a feedback cycle
How to become a real coach
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Class 4: How to run feedback loops in a company
Feedback in the top team
Feedback barriers
Applying the six-step model
How to run feedback throughout the organisation
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Class 5. Lifehacks for feedback
Tips for different personality types
Feedback on feedback
How to become a better leader with feedback
The most frequently asked questions about feedback
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Recorded class with a feedback on the homework
Class 6. Recognising achievements in the company as part of a feedback culture
Programme aims and objectives
Monetary and non-monetary options
Peer2Peer Recognition using Google as an example
Employee of the Month
Gamification of Achievement Recognition
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Early birds
We have made different packages, choose your own and start your development on the course
Per 1 participant
Two courses together
Per 1 participant
Three courses together
Per 1 participant
Super coach
Per 1 participant
Course registration
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Course registration
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Course registration
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Course registration
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How the course about Feedback is taught
Webinar recording
You watch the recorded sessions at your own pace and study the material. We open 1 lesson per week
Homework checked by the course author
Each webinar has a practical task that you must do to get a diploma
A case study of the participants
We chat on Telegram and discuss participants' cases remotely
Getting a diploma
Students who successfully complete the course assignments will receive a diploma at the end of the course
Diploma of HR Professional after completing the course So coveted and valuable
Integrates into Linkedin and HH profiles
Each diploma has a unique code
QR code on the diploma leads to the online version
Impossible to forge
Issued on a certified Accredible platform (the same place where Rosetta Stone, Google, Udacity, Kaplan University and others issue certificates), look at an example
What's inside the course about Feedback for employees
Here is what you will get on the course
Intensive course work
In the course you are not a passive listener, but actively participate in chat during the class and between classes, and practice all the knowledge you have learned and receive feedback from the course author
You will receive a large number of proven tools that the author has tested in a wide variety of companies, many of which have been developed personally, as well as examples from top companies
Ready-made solutions
You don't have to develop all the solutions yourself. You will get ready-to-use solutions straight away, on a "take-it-or-leave-it" basis. Your only task is to adapt all the tools you receive to your company
We will have many examples and cases from companies in a wide variety of industries of how they have solved business problems using sourcing tools. You are sure to find many ideas for yourself
Homework assignments
In your homework, you will adapt all the tools and solutions to your business, and the course author will personally check how you did it.
Chat room
All students are added to a dedicated Telegram-chat where they can ask questions and get help, share experiences and find like-minded people and friends.